Calling All
Special Sibs

Tell us what your experience has been like growing up with a brother or sister with special needs.
                                                                                                                                                                   We want to hear your voice……

As part of our on-going commitment to provide services to the family unit as a whole, we offer opportunities for children who have a sibling with unique challenges a forum to celebrate the good stuff and talk about thehard stuff with other peers who may have similar experiences. We know that brothers and sisters have much to offer each other – if they are given a chance!

We also know that kids learn from each other. And no one better understands what this journey can be like 
more than another peer who has walked a similar path……

So we are collecting stories, with the intent to share them and use them to support, educate, raise awareness and build solidarity amongst this very special group of kids. PLEASE SHARE YOUR STORY WITH US!

    1. Write a narrative (no more than 1 page) OR video your testimony.
    2. You decide if your submission is anonymous or if you want to share your identity.

      **By submitting your testimony, you acknowledge that it may be shared with others. If you do not want your name or
      picture shared, simply let us know and we will keep this info confidential.

    3. Talk about what it has been like in your family to be a sibling of a brother or sister with special needs. What is

      challenging about having a brother or sister with special needs? What are the good things about your

      relationship? What do you wish your parents knew about how you feel? What advice would you give to other

      siblings of special needs kids? Feel free to share anything else that comes to mind.

    4. Take a picture of you and your sib, or include them in your video (not required, but we’d love to see it!)
    5. Click the link and upload your submission:

You do not have to be a current patient or group member to participate – all are welcome!

1st PLACE:            $100 AMAZON GIFT CARD (up to 5 WINNERS) and inclusion in our SibConnection Video Montage

2nd PLACE:          $50 AMAZON GIFT CARD (up to 5 WINNERS) and inclusion in our SibConnection Video Montage

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